"Captain Henry" Peter Hinrik Carstensen Claussen
Blev 73 år.
Född: | 1842-07-15 Sörup, Schleswig Holstein (Tyskland) 1) | |
Bosatt: | till 1852 (Danmark) 2) | |
Bosatt: | från 1852 till 1858 Håstad (M) 3) | 1851-1855 Håstad 1,2,3 1855-1861 sid 5 |
Bosatt: | 1858-04-16 Lund (M) 3) | |
Bosatt: | från 1860 till 1862 Dömestorp, Hasslöv (N) 3) | AI:15 Hasslöv sid 67 |
Bosatt: | från 1860-04-16 till 1870 Rögla, Välinge (M) 3) | sid 197 AI:11ej med i denna hfl står noterad som bosatt i Lund när de bor i Håslöv. sid 144 AI:12 (vol 1 saknas på Genline)
Utflyttade 1870-00-25 nr 144 Mejeri... H:N Clausen med hustru ifrån Rögle till Amerika, samt styrman P:H Clausen och demoiselle Brigitta Ch. Clausen. B5 ( utflyttade 1870) |
Bosatt: | från 1870 Point Reyes (California, USA) 1) | |
Emigrerade: | 1870-07-11 San Francisco (California, USA) 4) | Navn: Clausen, Heinrich Stilling: Barn Alder: 28 Bestemmelsessted: S. Francisco Kontrakt nr.: 275000 Forevisningsdato: 11/7/1870 Sidste oph.sogn: ? Sidste oph. amt: - Sverige Sidste oph.sted: Sverrig Bestemmelses land: USA Bestemmelses by: San Francisco Bestemmelses stat: Californien Skibsnavn: Indirekte IDkode: I6971C2211 |
Bosatt: | 1880 Tomales, Marin (California, USA) 5) | |
Död: | 1915-11-13 Point Reyes (California, USA) 1) | Point Reyes Pioneer Passes Away
Funeral services were held Tuesday by Marin Lodge No. 191, F. and A. M. over the remains of Peter H. C. Claussen, who passed away last Saturday at his home at Point Reyes. Mr. Claussen’s health had been bad for some time, and his advanced age prevented a recovery from a complication of afflictions. He was 73 years old.
The body was removed to San Rafael and placed in Sawyer’s parlors until the funeral services, when it was taken to Point Reyes cemetery for burial yesterday.
The deceased was a respected member of the San Rafael Masonic lodge, with which order he had been affiliated for years. He is survived by a widow, Mrs. Clara Claussen, a daughter, Clara, and a son, Henry Claussen. He also has a surviving sister, Brita Ecklund.
During his long residence in Marin county he resided on one ranch on the Pt. Reyes peninsula, about 15 miles west of Pt. Reyes Station. He had a dairy herd of 200 cows, and conducted one of the most sanitary dairies in the county.
Mr. Claussen’s historical connection with Marin county dates back to 1870, when he arrived at Point Reyes and engaged in the dairy business, which he conducted up to the time of his death. He was a careful, honest and industrious citizen of his community, and this was recognized by the voters of Point Reyes township, who made him a school trustee for five consecutive terms.
His early life was filled with the vicissitudes of all pioneers. He left his home in Sweden at the age of 17 years for a life at sea. For five years he sailed continuously, and then returned home to perfect his nautical education by the study of navigation. Successively he was second and first mate on vessels that visited many ports of the world until he came with his parents to Sacramento in 1870. A year later he moved to Point Reyes. His father died in 1879 and his mother returned to Sweden. In 1872 he was married to Agneta C. Wittgren. Throughout his life he was honored and respected by all who knew him and always reckoned a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.
A large circle of friends and neighbors came down to San Rafael to attend the funeral services. Rev. Lynn T. White acted as Chaplain of the lodge and in brief by appropriate words told of the sterling worth, honor and integrity of the man. |
Vigsel: | 1891-09-28 San Francisco (California, USA) 1) |
En kusin Peter Reinhold f 1859 i Sch ( Schleswig) bosatt hos familjen 1880
NATURALIZATION CLAUSSEN, PETER HEINRICK CARSTENSON # 230 36 Sweden dairyman Point Reyes March 15, 1876, San Francisco, U.S. Cir
===================================== # Hinrik Claussen (1819-1872): He died of blood poisoning from an insect bite . His son, Capt. Peter Claussen, officiated at the service.
# Agneta Claussen: The wife of Capt. Claussen, she died on 1877 of unknown reasons. Her husband officiated at the ceremony.
# Christiane Claussen: The Captain's second wife, she died in 1892 giving birth to their first son, Henry.
# Capt. Henry. Claussen: He died Nov. 13, 1915, after a three- year illness diagnosed as massive stroke. He was buried along side his mother. ===================================
From find a grave
Birth: Jul. 15, 1842 Death: Nov. 11, 1915 Point Reyes Station Marin County California, USA
This grave is located at the Historic Life-Saving station Cemetery. I believe he was a Captain it the Coast Guard.
Inscription: On his Head stone it states " From Schleswig"
=========================================== California Voter Registration Point Reyes (Republican)
Årtal | Ålder | Händelse |
1842 |
Födelse 1842-07-15 Sörup, Schleswig Holstein (Tyskland). 1) |
<1852 |
Bosatt till 1852 (Danmark). 2) |
>1852 |
Bosatt från 1852 till 1858 Håstad (M). 3) |
1858 |
15 år |
Bosatt 1858-04-16 Lund (M). 3) |
>1860 |
Bosatt från 1860 till 1862 Dömestorp, Hasslöv (N). 3) |
>1860 |
Bosatt från 1860-04-16 till 1870 Rögla, Välinge (M). 3) |
1865 |
22 år |
Makan Klara Magdalena Wallengren föds 1865-02-19 Lund stf (M) 6). |
>1870 |
Bosatt från 1870 Point Reyes (California, USA). 1) |
1870 |
27 år |
Emigration 1870-07-11 San Francisco (California, USA). 4) |
1879 |
37 år |
Fadern Hinrik Nikolaus Johan Clausen dör 1879-09-29 Marin County (California, USA). |
1880 |
Bosatt 1880 Tomales, Marin (California, USA). 5) |
1891 |
49 år |
Vigsel Klara Magdalena Wallengren 1891-09-28 San Francisco (California, USA). 1) |
1892 |
50 år |
Modern Christinana Charlotte Fredrika Reinholdt dör 1892-08-15 Point Reyes (California, USA). |
1892 |
50 år |
Sonen Henry Magnus Claussen föds 1892-08-15 Point Reyes (California, USA) 1). |
1894 |
Dottern Clara Wilhelmina Claussen föds 1894 Point Reyes (California, USA) 1). |
1915 |
73 år |
Död 1915-11-13 Point Reyes (California, USA). 1) |
1) | Kenneth Cremer |
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2) | Inflyttningslängd |
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3) | Husförhörslängd |
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4) | Emigrantregister |
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5) | US Census |
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6) | Födelsebok |
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